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Dr Louise Teare

Consultant Clinical Microbiologist

Speciality: Microbiology
Practice: Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust
Email: elteare@doctors.org.uk
University of Strathclyde nobg - MediLaw
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About Dr Louise Teare

Experienced in the management of patients with infection both in hospital and the community including meningitis, urinary and biliary tract infection, MRSA, MSSA, Clostridium difficile, EBL, carbapenemase producing bacteria, burns and plastics, gentamicin toxicity and health care associated infection.

I now undertake two days of hospital clinical work each week, freeing up time for my role as an associate lecturer at the Anglia Ruskin Medical School and as an expert witness. To support this work, I hold the Cardiff Law certificate and have recently completed the two Inspire MediLaw training course for medico-legal expert witnesses.

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