Conference with Counsel Course (Online)

Our Conference with Counsel course is designed to support and develop the skills of medico-legal experts with a personal injury or clinical negligence practice.

You will learn about the purpose of a conference, when they are likely to take place and what to expect as an expert. During the mock conference with Counsel you will understand how these conferences can really make or break the case.

£195.00 (+VAT)
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expert witness v - MediLaw
Key Elements bd - MediLaw

Key elements of the course:

  • Watch the UK’s leading medico-legal experts explain how the conference works and how to prepare.
  • Complete a practical exercise to develop your skills in preparing for a conference.
  • Observe a mock conference – helping you to build your skills in dealing with robust exchanges and challenges to your evidence.
Course Icon feda a c - MediLaw

Learning outcomes

On the course, you’ll:

  • learn how the conference works and the processes involved
  • find out how to prepare effectively for a conference
  • learn how evidence is tested and how to deal with robust challenges
  • look at the likely follow-up actions.
Accreditation bc bad - MediLaw

Gain CPD points

On completion of the course, you will receive a CPD certificate (for four hours).

Find out more about our other courses on Report Writing, the Meeting of Experts and Giving Evidence in Court.

Course overview

Our experts discuss the purpose of the Conference with Counsel and how it fits into the litigation process. They will talk you through the format, share tips for preparing for and attending the conference, and look at the likely follow-up actions.

Having read Dr Simon Fox KC’s agenda for our mock conference, you will complete a practical task outlining how you would prepare for this conference.

For the next task, you observe a mock claimant Conference with Counsel, involving the instructing solicitor, medical expert and client.

By observing these exchanges, you will build your understanding of how the Conference with Counsel works and how the evidence is tested. You will learn about the importance of detailed preparation and develop your techniques for dealing with robust challenges to your opinion.

In this final part of the course, you will reflect on what you have seen in the mock conference by completing some multiple-choice questions.


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expert witness v - MediLaw
Key Elements bd - MediLaw

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Key elements of the course:

  • Watch the UK’s leading medico-legal experts explain how the conference works and how to prepare.
  • Complete a practical exercise to develop your skills in preparing for a conference.
  • Observe a mock conference – helping you to build your skills in dealing with robust exchanges and challenges to your evidence.

Course Icon feda a c - MediLaw

Learning outcomes

On the course, you’ll:

  • learn how the conference works and the processes involved
  • find out how to prepare effectively for a conference
  • learn how evidence is tested and how to deal with robust challenges
  • look at the likely follow-up actions.

Accreditation bc bad - MediLaw

Gain CPD points

On completion of the course, you will receive a CPD certificate (for four hours).

Find out more about our other courses on Report Writing, the Meeting of Experts and Giving Evidence in Court.

Course overview

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Task 1 – Videos featuring Paul Sankey, Dr Tom Boyd and Mr Richard Kerr

Our experts discuss the purpose of the Conference with Counsel and how it fits into the litigation process. They will talk you through the format, share tips for preparing for and attending the conference, and look at the likely follow-up actions.

Task 2 – Review of the agenda

Having read Dr Simon Fox KC’s agenda for our mock conference, you will complete a practical task outlining how you would prepare for this conference.

Task 3 – Observation exercise

For the next task, you observe a mock claimant Conference with Counsel, involving the instructing solicitor, medical expert and client.

By observing these exchanges, you will build your understanding of how the Conference with Counsel works and how the evidence is tested. You will learn about the importance of detailed preparation and develop your techniques for dealing with robust challenges to your opinion.

Task 4 – Short assessment

In this final part of the course, you will reflect on what you have seen in the mock conference by completing some multiple-choice questions.

£195.00 (+VAT)
(£) GBP (Default)
Select Currency ×
  • EUR (€)

Feedback from previous delegates