Inspire Members Privacy policy

Website terms of use

Thank you for visiting our site. Your use of it is subject to this notice.

We endeavour to keep the content of this site up-to-date, but don’t guarantee that it is. The content on this site may be changed or updated without notice.

All content on our site belongs to Insight Medicine and Law Services Limited trading as Inspire MediLaw (or is reproduced with permission from other copyright owners and forum posters). All rights are reserved. Nothing on our site may otherwise be copied, modified, or re-used elsewhere without our prior written permission.

All information on our site is provided as is and with no assurances that the site or the server that hosts it are free from viruses or other forms of harmful computer code.

Nothing on our site should be treated as medical or legal advice.

We shall not be liable for any losses resulting from the use of our site. Liability for personal injury or death caused by negligence or for fraud is not excluded or limited.

Links to other sites are provided in good faith. We are not responsible for the materials contained in any linked sites.

If you have any questions about this site, please contact us at [email protected].

Forum terms of use

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your Inspire Members account, and you are responsible for all actions taken using the account. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security that you become aware of. We will not be liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.

You must not use your Inspire Members account to distribute any illegal, discriminatory, fraudulent, defamatory, abusive, offensive, or obscene content.

You must not use your Inspire Members account to distribute or share any content which infringes any third party rights, including intellectual property rights.

You must not use your Inspire Members account to distribute any viruses, worms, malware, Trojan horses or other harmful or destructive content, or use it to circulate any unsolicited advertising to other uses of our website.

We reserve the right to terminate your account at our sole discretion without liability to you in the event that your account is used in contravention of these restrictions. If we terminate your account for this reason, then you will not be entitled to any refund of any money paid to us.

In relation to any content that you post to our forums, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use that content.

We do not endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the comments, opinions or statements posted by users in our forums. Any information or material placed online by other users, including advice and opinions, is the view and responsibility of those users and does not necessarily represent the view of our organisation. You should seek independent legal or medical advice as appropriate, and no reliance should be placed on any content available on our forums.

We provide no warranty that the content available on the forums is accurate or up-to-date. We reserve the right, but undertake no duty, to review, edit, move or delete any material posted by users in our forums, in our sole discretion and without notice.